Zeytinyagli dolmalar |
A. To Prepare the Filling: |
1 level dessert spoon salt
1 level dessert spoon sugar
1/2 bunch each of parsley, mint and dill.
25 grams currants
25 grams pine nuts
250 grams boiling water
250 grams olive oil
250 grams rice
750 grams finely chopped onion |
Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onions and cook to a golden color. Add the washed nuts and pinenuts. Stir constantly over a medium heat for about 30 minutes until the rice becomes golden in color. Add the salt, sugar, currants and mix. Add the boiling water and mix again. Cover and cook on a very low heat for 15 minutes. Add the dill, mint and parsley and stir. Place on a serving dish and let cool before using. |
B. Stuffed Cabbage |
Lahana Dolmasi |
1 kilo cabbage
To prepare the cabbage:
1/2 glass of salt
15 glasses of water
For the stuffing refer to section A.
To cook the cabbage:
1 glass water
1/2 coffee spoon salt
1/2 coffee spoon sugar
2 coffee cups olive oil |
To prepare the cabbage:
Cut out the cabbage heart with a knife. Place 15 glasses of water and 1/2 glass salt into a saucepan large enough to contain the cabbage. Put in the separated cabbage leaves turned upward. Cover and boil for 3 minutes. Lower the heat. Turn the cabbage over, cover and cook another minute. Turn the cabbage over again and remove the softest leaves from the bottom. Turn the cabbage over again and let cook 5 minutes.
Remove the cover. The leaves should have become supple without being fully cooked. If they are not soft enough, let them remain in the water another 3 or 4 minutes. Now place the cabbage leaves under running water. Take each leaf and squeeze it a little. Then gently remove the largest veins with a knife. Place the leave with the thickest veins on the bottom of a large saucepan.
Filling the leaves:
Place some filling in the center of the leaf and roll the leaf from left to right over the filling and finally roll like a cigarette. (Refer to the section on filling grape leaves).
Place the filled leaves in a saucepan into which the extra leaves were put. Add water, oil, salt, sugar. Cook on a low heat for 1 hour, until all the water is absorbed. Cool and serve.
C. Stuffed Grape Leaves  |
Yaprak Dolmasi |
250 grams grape leaves (large ones with fine veins)
1/2 coffee spoon sugar, 1/2 salt
10 glasses of water plus 1 glass of water
2 coffee cups olive oil
the juice of 1 lemon
For the filling, refer to Section A.
To prepare the grape leaves: Remove the stems and boil the grape leaves for 5 minutes in 10 glasses of water and lemon juice. Drain and let cool. Put the firmest leaves with the thickest veins on the bottom of a saucepan.
How to fill the grape leaves:
Place a leaf on your left hand, with the large point going past your little finger. With the right hand place a roll of the filling in the middle of the leaf. Fold the 2 side points toward the center and then roll towards the large point of the leaf.

Place the tilled grape leaves in a saucepan. Add a glass of water, the sugar, salt and oil. Cook for about 1 hour, until all the water has been absorbed. Cool and place on a serving dish.
D. Stuffed Mussels  |
Midye Dolmasi |
20 large mussels
1 glass olive oil
1 tomato, or 1/3 coffee cup of tomato sauce, diluted with a little water
1/2 coffee cup currants (kus uzumu)
1/2 coffee cup pine nuts
1/2 glass water
1/2 soup spoon sugar salt and pepper
150 grams rice
4 onions
To prepare the filling:
Brown the onion in the oil. When the onion is golden brown, add the washed rice and brown with the onion on a medium flame, stirring constantly with a spoon. Add 1/2 glass boiling water, the chopped tomato (or diluted tomato sauce), the currants, pine nuts sugar, 1/2 soup spoon salt, pepper. Put on a low heat and cover. Cook for approximately 20 minutes until all the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from heat and let cool.
To prepare the mussels:
Scrub the mussel shells thoroughly, then open them and remove any dirt, wash well and lay them side to side. Fill each shell in which the mussel is found with the filling. Cover with the other shell.
In a saucepan, place the mussels side by side, and then on top of each other. Add 3/4 glass of water. Cover and cook on a high flame for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Let cool. Place on a serving plate after wiping each shell.
E. Stuffed Green Peppers  |
Biber Dolmasi |
10 Servings (2 per person)
1/2 coffee spoons salt, 1/2 sugar
2 coffee cups olive oil
20 small green peppers
3/4 glass water
5 small tomatoes
For the filling see section A.
Cut around the stem of the pepper with a knife. Remove the seeds and membranes from the inside, wash and drain. Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces. Fill the peppers with the filling prepared previously. Cap with a tomato piece pushing it firmly into the pepper.
Place the stuffed peppers at the bottom of a saucepan, the tomatoes facing upward. Add the salt, water, oil and sugar. Cook on a low heat for 45 minutes, until all the water has evaporated. Cool and serve.